It's Easy With Newsletter Evangelism
"Sometimes before we can plant the seed of the gospel, we have to prepare the soil. The newsletter evangelism approach is a good way of doing just that. It is one way to meet people, create relationships, and build good will. The newsletters will not convert people, but they may open the door for evangelism. Don't knock it if you have not tried it."
Flavil Yeakley, Ph.D., Director
Harding Center for Church Growth Studies
Harding University
Searcy, Arkansas
Few things challenge us more than reaching the lost with the Gospel. We know the Gospel has not changed, it is still the "power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:14-16). What has changed is the methods we use to share the Gospel. I was privileged to work with Glenn Davis in Garden Grove, California in the early 90's when he developed the Neighborly Newsletter. It was an exciting, workable and successful approach to reaching people with a non-threatening page of biblical information. It was a tool our members could easily use. It was a friend builder, door opener and successful way to reach the lost. The newspaper became so popular that persons would call the church building asking why they hadn't received their paper. Obviously, I highly recommend this simple but powerful tool for evangelism. It is something every member of the church can use to reach the lost. I encourage you to check out this great tool for carrying out the Great Commission. And in a day of tight budgets it is very affordable.
Dr. J.J. Turner
McDonough Bible Institute
McDonough Church of Christ
"Newsletter evangelism is a consistent, comprehensive, personal, community-based application of Christ's Great Commission mandate aimed at developing a rapport with all the people of your community. Expect to fall in love with these precious lost souls among whom you walk and reach out to twice to three times per week. It will happen."
Don Myers
Assistant Professor of Bible
Faulkner University
This really is simple that it is profound. I am excited about it.
Oran Rhodes
Midwestern School of Preaching
Sugar Creek Church of Christ
The newsletter evangelism plan Glenn Davis has developed has great potential. It is something that anyone can do. It breaks the ice in a comfortable way. It has worked when tried. I hope many more churches will try it.
Stafford North
Bible Professor at Oklahoma Christian University
Reaching Those Who Are Receptive © by Flavil R. Yeakley
Views of Evangelism © by Flavil R. Yeakley
CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? Jesus told a man to tell no one and he told everyone. (Mark 1:40-45) Jesus told us to tell everyone and we tell no one.
(Mark 16:15-16)